SketchUpdate Newsletter, September Issu

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome the millions of Google SketchUp fans who are reading the SketchUpdate for the very first time. Until now, people who signed up to receive our newsletter via the download page for our free product have only received infrequent updates. We decided to add those folks to the subscriber list for the newsletter you're reading right now.

The SketchUpdate goes out monthly to an enormous international readership of designers and other 3D enthusiasts who have a place in their hearts for SketchUp and SketchUp Pro. It's a digest of the best product announcements, inspiring user stories and in-depth tips and tricks from the SketchUp blog.

It's an honor to have been invited into your inbox; I know it's a sacred place. If someone forwarded this to you and you'd like to sign up, here's the link you need. If you'd rather not get these emails at all, just use the link at the bottom of this message to unsubscribe.

Happy sketching, and welcome to the SketchUp family,

Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist

SightSpace 3D: An iPad Viewer for SketchUp
Have you ever wanted to take your SketchUp models on the go? Our friends at the Boulder-based start-up Limitless Computing have a solution for you: their recently released SightSpace 3D app allows you to view SketchUp models on the iPad, iPhone, or iPod (Android support coming soon). Keep reading...

LumenRT: Explore rendered models in real time
LumenRT Review for SketchUp (by the good people at e-on Software) is a tool for turning your models into interactive, photo-rendered environments. The output is a stand-alone file -- a whole mini application, really -- that anyone can open and explore like they're in a video game. Keep reading...

Explore the ancient and modern with Rome in 3D
Rome is an eternal city. With a history spanning over 2500 years, each period has made its mark on the current urban architectural landscape. Now, with the release of thousands of new 3D buildings for the city, you can explore the blending of the ages in Rome from within Google Earth. Keep reading...
Featured Geo-modeler: Guillaume Godin
Guillaume Godin is an accomplished geo-modeler based in Montreal, Canada. He has 157 models uploaded to the 3D Warehouse so far. Of those, 86 are geo-located and 72 have been accepted into Google Earth. Thank you for your contributions and keep up the great modeling, Guillaume! Keep reading...

Speed Up SketchUp: Extrude curves with fewer sides
The most sure-fire way to mitigate your model's geometric complexity (its count of faces and edges) is to pay attention to extruded circles and arcs. Experienced modelers know that curves in SketchUp are actually constructed out of multiple, straight edges. Keep reading...

Assigning materials to groups and components
Everybody knows that faces in SketchUp can be painted with different materials. What lots of folks don't know is that you can apply materials to groups and components, too. Keep reading...

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