T35 Free Hosting Validation Email

Thank you for signing up for a Free Hosting package with T35 Hosting.

Your username is: citragsm.t35.com
Your password is: mutiara

In order to activate your new account you will need to click on the link below:

If you do NOT wish to continue with this sign-up, simply delete this email.

You will need to upload (or create) your website files with either an FTP application or our online file manager before your website becomes live. Until then, your website might load as a not-found page. If you have a domain name you want us to host, please submit a domain name linking request here: http://www.t35.com/free-hosting-domain.php. While building your website, don't forget to visit our web support & webmaster forum at http://www.HelpingWebmasters.com. The forum is an excellent resource to get help developing and monetizing your website. For help starting your site, please check out our video tutorials here: http://www.t35.com/support/helpdesk/knowledgebase.php.

T35 Hosting Staff